The Lineage of King Salomon

A 3,000 year old Hermetic Mystery tradition brought forward through the Modern Mystery School

The Modern Mystery school is an international training program for light workers who seek to “KNow thyself” and through that self KNOWLEDGE, know that they can Serve.

founder gudni “ged” gudnason brought the modern mystery school to the public in 1997

Born as Gudni Halldor Gudnason von Thoroddsen in northern 'Viking lands' of Iceland in a direct lineage of the War God Thor from the Eagle Vale Clan of Western Iceland where Yggdrasil is, and where Odin hung on the tree for nine days and nights. Initiated into the lineage of King Salomon in the early 1970s, given priesthood powers from High Priest Melchizedek, Initiated into the Mysteries in the Great Pyramid of Giza in an overnight ceremony. Guardian of the secret of the Holy Grail, Initiated Celtic Medicine Man, Viking Shaman, Druid Priest, Templar Knight, and Egyptian High Priest of Isis authorized to do the work by the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT in all manner with the highest powers given to a human.

It has personally been one of my greatest honors and privileges to study with Founder Gudni. I have experienced so much healing through his gifts- his higher vision, directness, immense compassion have personally changed me for the better and I am forever grateful for the work that he has done in preserving the mystery tradition for us to have access to.

founder gudni Serves with ipsissmus Hideto Rei Nakagome and Ipsissmus dave Thor Lanyon on the Council of three

Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome has been instrumental behind the growth of the Mystery School since he joined the lineage in the year 2000. He immediately saw the importance of the mission of World Peace and wanted to support this undertaking right away. He has worked passionately ever since.

Ipsissimus Hideto has an amazing sense of humor, while at the same time manages to bring goodness and beauty to even the darkest areas. He is a gift to the lineage with his skilled work with Ensofic Reiki, among other talents.

Ipsissimus Dave THOR Lanyon has been the driving force behind the explosive growth of The Mystery School since he joined the Lineage in 2004 and we have seen the school expand from 12 countries to 55 with his efforts. Dave has dedicated his life to serving the world by teaching, healing and helping people from all walks of life to Know Thyself. He is an expert at identifying what is blocking a person and at navigating them to high frequencies and deeper understandings.

Ipsissimus Dave has been my teacher since 2017. He is tireless and steadfast in his dedication to continuing the GREAT WORK. I am grateful for his leadership, ability to build and empower teams of leaders and the work he has done with me personally to step into my own next level of leadership.